Thursday, 23 April 2015 22:15

What's in Your Cup - 2015 Edition

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A new year has come and for many this means taking on a new set of resolutions for 2014. Take a look at any new years resolution survey and "losing weight" is by far the most popular followed by saving money.  

But how will most people take on this new challenge? Diet and exercise are the obvious choice, but for many cutting excessive calories from 'sugar' is key.

Although simple in theory, cutting out 'sweets' from one's diet is far from easy and has sustained an entire industry of artificial sweeteners. Walk through any supermarket aisles and you'll see dozens of artificial sweeteners each claiming to be better than the other.

So in this edition of 'What's In Your Cup' we focus on artificial sweeteners and share some interesting facts about these fascinating molecules. Enjoy! 

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Read 14812 times Last modified on Sunday, 24 February 2019 21:50
More in this category: « What's in Your Cup - 2014 Edition