Preparing for the rigorous Q-Certification exam? Or simply interested in learning more about the role of organic acids and their impact in coffee quality?
Then we highly suggest get a hold of our "Organic Acids Taste Kit".
Developed by coffee scientist Joseph A. Rivera and co-developer of the Q-Certification program, this kit will provide with six (6) of the most common organic acids found in specialty coffee. The protocol which has now become part of the Q-Certification exam, was based on years of research in understanding the role of acids in coffee quality.
We are the official developers of both the Organic Acids modules as well as the Coffee Quality Institute's - Q-Certification program since its launch in 2000. Over the years we've provided various training materials for students and instructors to successfully carry out the over 22 exams required by the Q exam.
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The Q-Grader consists of over 20 exams.
Of these a critical piece is the ability to identify and differentiate the four most commonly found acids (ie. citric, malic, phosphoric, acetic) in coffee. Testing a student's ability is what is know collectively as the 'matching pairs' exam for the Q-Grader exam.
For more information on the Student vs Instructor Kits click below.
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The Organic Acids Kit includes everything you need to re-create the samples tasted during an actual Q-exam and/or SCAA Cuppers Tasters Certificate (CTC).
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Acids play an important role in coffee's taste profile and can vary significantly depending on the level of roast. This kit will allow you to experiment with coffee acids to explore the nuances of each acid and its impact on taste.
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All materials included
Don't have a degree in chemistry?
No worries, we'll provide you with all the technical information on each acid, its importance both before and after roasting.
If you're making the $1,500-$2,500 USD investment to get 'Q-Certified', then we highly recommend you purchase a organic kit to help you practice before enrolling in the course.
Organic Acids Kit / Q-Grader Matching Pairs / Practice Kit
This Instructor Kit is intended for use in a classroom setting or Q-Certification course. Unlike the Student Kit which is only meant for experiments/testing on an individual basis, this larger kit is for use with groups of 12-20 people per session.
The kit is composed six (6) 125mL bottles of the following acids.
- Citric Acid
- Acetic Acid
- Malic Acid
- Phosphoric Acid
- Lactic Acid
- Tartaric Acid*
*Tartaric is not found in coffee but is only used here for experimental purposes.
The kit includes a 25ml graduated for easy measuring of acids into coffee.
Instructors using this can run multiple sessions of 12-20 people for a Q-course (or approximately 60-70 students), depending on actual usage.
NOTE: All acids are made of food grade purity and in compliance with the Coffee Quality Institute's Q-Certification standards.
What's the difference between the Student and the Instructor Kit?
Both kits serve the same purpose, however the Student Kit are slightly stronger in concentration than the Instructor Kit because it is meant to be used drop-wise and simply used to experiment on a cup by cup basis.
The Instructor Kit is meant for doing larger trainings usually for groups of 12+ people and/or for Q-Instructors that need exact concentrations as required by the Coffee Quality Institute to run an official Q-Class. This kit is also used for the SCA Lab Certification.
Please note that the Instructor Kit is simply NOT a larger version of the Student Kit. They are meant for different purposes.
For more information on the Student vs Instructor Kit, click here.
How many training sessions can I do with these kits?
Each bottle has about 700-800 drops, considering that you only need about 10-15 drops per cup - the usage of this Student Kit is extensive.
The kits are ready to use, no dilution is necessary. All instructions on using each kit are included with each order.
Have these kits been used for SCA/CQI courses?
We are the original developers of the Organic Acids course, as well as the Q-Certification program, as such we've been the primary suppliers of these acids for SCAA/CQI courses for many years.
Can these acids be used for SCA/CQI Lab Certification?
Yes. This can be used for Lab Certification as required by SCA/CQI.
What is the average shelf life of these kits?
The kit should be good for up to one year from the date of purchase.
Where did the name 'Organic Acid Kit' come from?
Originally when Joseph Rivera (former SCAA Director of Science & Technology) developed the course around 2000 the class only focused on 3 organic acids commonly found in coffee, namely citric, malic and quinic. As more research was conducted on acids, the class was expanded to include phosphoric acid which is inorganic. When we launched the class during the SCAA Expo (2001) it was listed as official program as "Organic Acids Profiling". The course has since gained tremendous popularity and the name has stuck since.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, do we do ship internationally. The most economical shipping method is USPS Flat Rate which will typically arrive within 9-11 days of shipment, the second fastest is Priority International which takes about 7-9 days.
If you need fast delivery, we recommend DHL International, please contact us BEFORE you place your order for a quote since it is not linked to our system. Please provide complete shipping address to generate a accurate quote.
Unfortunately DHL requires extensive documentation for orders shipped to Russia, Venezuela and China.
For these orders we highly suggest you select international USPS, estimated time for delivery is about 7-10 days.
Please be aware that there may be a slight delay for all international orders due to COVID. Although we ship all orders within 24 hours, we have no control of the package once it arrives.
Orders can be tracked here: